For Webflow Ecommerce

Find the perfect product for your customer with a quiz

Magoquiz is a platform for product recommendation quizzes. Just like a shopkeeper, we direct your customer to the right product, boosting conversions and cutting support costs.
30-day free trial - no credit card required
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59262 Quizzes Started
76% Finished
21636 Emails Collected
45% Filled own email

Quizzes Bounded Only by Your Creativity

Various recommendation logics, logic skips, images, multiple choices...

Build a quiz that adjusts to your customer's answers and finds the perfect product for them.

Quizzes Bounded Only by Your Creativity

To Reduce Support Costs

Does it make sense to manually answer the same customer questions?

We guide each customer to their suitable product, without burdening you and your support team.

To Reduce Support Costs

To Skyrocket Your Sales

Did you know that 60% of people DON'T contact support when they're unsure?.

We'll capture those customers who would typically abandon their purchase and generate more sales for your brand.

To Skyrocket Your Sales

To Minimize Returns

Nobody likes finding out that their purchase doesn't fit. And you don't like returns.

Our quiz will find the perfect product for your customer, significantly reducing return rates.

To Minimize Returns

Test with One Click

Add to Your Store Today

30-day free trial - no credit card required

To Gather, Segment, and Enrich More Leads

Collect emails, phone numbers, names, and link these leads to quiz responses.

The average is that 40% of quiz starters will provide the data you need. Use these enriched leads to launch targeted and personalized campaigns for each lead.

More? We integrate with your marketing tools for free, just ask.

To Gather, Segment, and Enrich More Leads

In Your Brand's Unique Style

Maintain your brand's style in your quiz.

Style colors, sizes, images, fonts, and text.

In Your Brand's Unique Style

Integrated with Your Existing Tools

We integrate with non-integrated tools at no extra cost.

Integrated with Your Existing Tools

With the Support and Assistance You Deserve

Need help? Didn't turn out as you wanted? Something's missing?

Get in touch, and we'll assist you.

With the Support and Assistance You Deserve

Prices that reflect the value we drive

Designed to Grow with Your Business. Plans for Brands of All Sizes.


Quizzes started per month
$ 19.00 /month
  • All Features
  • Collect responses
Brands like
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Enterprise Custom plan for the specific needs of your company Talk with us

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the plan work?

The plan is monthly. Pricing is variable: You pay per interaction. An interaction is counted when a quiz is started. On the billing day, the amount charged is based on the number of interactions in the last 30 days. You can see how the price varies in the pricing section.

Can I cancel at any time? Is there a commitment?

Yes, there is no commitment. You can cancel at any time without having to contact support. Just go to "Settings" in the app and click "Manage" on your plan.

What if I exceed the interaction limit?

Billing is per interaction and there is no interaction limit. The charge for each additional interaction is billed at the same price per interaction shown in the pricing section. Your quiz will not be deactivated for having too many interactions.

Is the product recommendation manual?

No, the products are pulled from your e-commerce platform. You just need to set up the selection flow to give certain product(s).

The Easiest and Most Effective Way to Guide Your People

Try it today and see how straightforward it is.

30-day free trial - no credit card required